Flower Bouquet for June 2023
This month’s Trust the Florist Bouquet is a beautiful arrangement of flowers that is sure to brighten any space. The bouquet includes a mix of colourful blooms that we have available in June 2023, they all come arranged in a water bubble and gift wrapped which is perfect for displaying on your coffee table or dining room table. (You must take out of gift bag after 24hrs to prolong the life of the bouquet)
The Trust the Florist Bouquet is a great way to show someone you care. It is also a perfect gift for yourself, as it is a reminder to trust in the beauty of nature and the power of flowers to bring joy.
Here is a closer look at the flowers that are included in the June 2023 Trust the Florist Bouquet:
The June 2023 Trust the Florist Bouquet is a great way to add a touch of spring to your home or office. It is also a perfect gift for yourself or someone you care about. Order your bouquet today!