Sympathy Flower Bouquet/Vase


Sympathy Flower Bouquet/Vase


Sympathy Flower Bouquet will let your loved ones know your thinking about them.

Made with White Lilies and Greenery. The picture was taken by us in our Aberdeen Flower Shop

Delivered in a Glass Vase, Flower Food and your personal hand written message on a contemporary gift card.

Sympathy Flower Bouquet

A Large Sympathy Flower Bouquet in a Vase

The Sympathy Flower Bouquet will be delivered in a glass vase .

The Sympathy Flower Bouquet is available for Same Day Flower Delivery around Aberdeen. Just order the Flowers online before 12pm and have your Online Flower Delivery sent the same day

All our bouquets are hand prepared by our fully trained florists in your local Aberdeen Florist shop at 336 King Street Aberdeen AB24 5BJ.

If you have any questions our trained florists will be more than happy to help. Please call us on (44) 01224-622162  or you can email us

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Please note that Anastasia Florists will sometimes substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality & value. It may not always be possible to include an item like a vase or basket the exact same as displayed.
If such an occasion arises we will make every effort to replace the item with a suitable alternative.


Anastasia Florist Aberdeen

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