Sympathy Flower Bouquet (Florist Choice) (SF)

Sympathy Flower Bouquet will let your loved ones know your thinking about them.

Delivered in a giftbag with care instructions, flower food and your personal hand written message on a contemporary gift card.

The Flower Bouquet will be delivered without water and will need arranged in a vase once received.


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Sympathy Flower Bouquet

A Sympathy Handtied Bouquet available for Next Day Delivery Send Flowers UK are a different kind of Online Florist. Unlike other Flower Delivery Companies, we are a Real Florist with our own Local Flower Shop. We source our own Fresh Flowers by working with flower Suppliers before taking great care in arranging them to create beautiful and memorable Flower Bouquets.

The Flower Bouquet will be made by our own Florists in our own Flower Shop before packing the Flowers into a shipping box for delivery to you the next day. We use DHL as our courier and will arrive between 08:00 - 18:00 The difference between the Flower Bouquets that are made for our local area is purely the packaging.

Our Local Flower Bouquets contain water bubbles and are delivered using our own van, the National Orders are made exactly the same way but are packaged in the flower transport box without water and delivered by DHL. Visit our website today to learn more about our Flowers Bouquets and our delivery options. We are confident that you will be happy with your purchase.

** Please note that Send Flowers UK will sometimes substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality & value. Flowers are a living product and throughout the year there will be slight differences from the website image **

Send Flowers UK

Next Day Flower Delivery

Order before 3PM for next day flower delivery.


We offer a small but carefully curated selection of flower bouquets that are hand-made on the same day they are sent. The pictures of our bouquets are real, taken in our flower shop in Scotland. We do not use substitutions or fancy studio pictures. What you see is what you get.


If you order before 3PM, we will pick the flowers, create the bouquet, and carefully pack it in a flower transport box. We will then wait for DPD Courier Delivery to pick it up around 16:30 each day. DPD will then deliver the flower bouquet to your chosen address the very next day.


We guarantee that your flowers will be fresh and beautiful when they arrive. If you are not satisfied with your order, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Order your flowers today and make someone’s day!

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