Funeral Spray (Single Ended)


Casket Spray Flowers


A funeral spray is a floral arrangement that is meant to be seen and stands on a stand or easel. On the Anastasia Florists website, you can find a variety of low-cost funeral sprays. Despite the fact that our sprays are inexpensive, their prices do not reflect our high quality. Our sprays are composed of the finest-quality flowers and are put together by floral industry experts.

Casket Floral Spray


It may be challenging to choose the right funeral flowers. There are many different funeral flower arrangements to select from, depending on a person’s situation or personality. Let’s have a look at the various types of funeral sprays we provide now. The coffin spray contains over 11 different flower varieties. The main flower selection includes Stargazer Lilies, Pink Roses, Carnations, Purple Static Pistachio and Complementary Greenery. When you send funeral sprays flowers to a family who has lost someone, it will offer comfort and support.


Florist Aberdeen

Funeral Flowers


Send an elegant funeral spray to convey your condolences. You’ll discover a lovely arrangement to send in a variety of styles, including standing cross flower sprays and traditional upright flower sprays. Today’s delivery options are available. For more arrangement, please contact us if you want Anastasia Florists to provide a beautiful spray for your loved ones.


Funeral Flowers Aberdeen

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