Bridal Bouquet


Bridal Bouquet


A Wedding Bridal Bouquet made by us in January 2024,

Each Bridal Bouquet is unique so please contact us to have your own made. If you like to one in the picture please order online.

Contact us by phone – 01224 622 162 or visit us @ 336 King Street Aberdeen Scotland, AB24 5BJ


SKU: Bridal Bouquet Category:

Wedding Brides Bouquet

Anastasia Florists is your local Aberdeen Florists and has been trading for over 30 years. Buying from us ensures quality and the experience to make sure the Wedding Flowers arrives on time with no errors. Using only Fresh Flowers to create all items you can trust your Local Aberdeen Florist

We always have a large stock of artificial buttonholes available for immediate collection. Fresh Flower Button holes are made to order, Please contact us in you would like Real fresh Flower Buttonholes

If you order online we will supply a product very similar to the one pictured. You can call us or email us if you would like the flowers or colours changed. We are also happy to see you in our shop to discuss your needs @ 336 King Street Aberdeen AB24 5BJ.

If you have any questions our Trained Florists will be more than happy to help. Please call us on (44) 01224-622162  or you can email us


Wedding Flowers

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