Celebration Flower Bouquet


Celebration Flower Bouquet


Celebrate any occasion with a beautiful Bouquet of Flowers and chocolate bars from our Aberdeen Flower Shop.

Our medium Flower Bouquet includes 5 chocolate bars (shown in picture), while our standard and large bouquets include 4 and 6 chocolate bars, respectively.

We offer Same-Day Delivery, and your Flowers will arrive in a water bubble and box to ensure freshness.

Order your celebration Flower Bouquet today!

Celebration Flower Bouquet


Anastasia Florists is your one-stop shop for Same-Day Flower Delivery in Aberdeen.

Order your Celebration Bouquet online before 12pm and have it delivered fresh the same day.

Our florists are experts in hand-preparing beautiful Flower Bouquets for any occasion.

We also offer a wide variety of other Floral Arrangements, including Funeral Flowers, Wedding Flowers and Corporate Flowers.

Order your flowers today from Anastasia Florists, Aberdeen's trusted Florist!

If you have any questions our trained florists will be more than happy to help. Please call us on (44) 01224-622162  or you can email us Flowers@Aflorists.com

Follow us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/aflorists/

Please note that Anastasia Florists will sometimes substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality & value. It may not always be possible to include an item like a vase or basket the exact same as displayed.
If such an occasion arises we will make every effort to replace the item with a suitable alternative.


Florist Aberdeen

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