Red Valentines Day Rose Bouquet


Red Valentines Day Rose Bouquet


Valentine’s Day Rose Bouquet

This Valentine’s Day, skip the ordinary and express your love with a dozen roses that sing a symphony of devotion. Our Exquisite Dozen bouquet is more than just a pretty arrangement; it’s a vibrant canvas painted Red Rose blooms, each petal whispering promises of forever.

A Dozen Reasons to Fall in Love:

  • The Language of Love: A dozen roses, the timeless symbol of romance, speak volumes where words might stumble. Let these velvety beauties declare your passion, admiration, and unwavering affection.
  • Blooming Brilliance: Each rose is hand-selected for its perfect form and vibrant colour, bursting with life and ready to unfurl its intoxicating fragrance.
  • Crafted with Care: Our expert florists arrange each stem with artistry and precision, weaving a tapestry of delicate blooms and lush greenery. This isn’t just a bouquet; it’s a work of art that will steal the recipient’s heart.
  • Long-Lasting Love: We source our roses fresh from sustainable farms, ensuring they arrive budded and ready to bloom, filling your loved one’s home with their beauty for days to come.
  • More Than Just Roses: Make your gift even more personal with a touch of customization. Add a heartfelt message handwritten on a beautiful card

This Valentine’s Day, skip the clichés and let the flowers do the talking. With our Exquisite Dozen Rose bouquet, you’re not just giving roses; you’re giving a piece of your heart.

Order yours today and make this Valentine’s Day one to remember!

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Aberdeen Valentines Day Flowers

The photo of the Red Rose Bouquet was taken in our shop as a sample for you to see. We don't use Library pictures, What you see is what you get

The Flower Bouquet is gift wrapped and delivered in a water bubble .

The Flower Bouquet is available for Same Day Flower Delivery around Aberdeen. Just order the Flowers online before 12pm and have your Online Flower Delivery sent the same day

All our bouquets are hand prepared by our fully trained florists in your local Aberdeen Florist shop at 336 King Street Aberdeen AB24 5BJ.

If you have any questions our trained florists will be more than happy to help. Please call us on (44) 01224-622162  or you can email us

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Please note that Anastasia Florists will sometimes substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality & value. It may not always be possible to include an item like a vase or basket the exact same as displayed.
If such an occasion arises we will make every effort to replace the item with a suitable alternative.


Florist Aberdeen

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